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Showing posts from September, 2011

Automated system for operational analysis the energy efficiency of public buildings heating in Donetsk city

Automated system for operational analysis the energy efficiency of public buildings heating in Donetsk city was carried out under an agreement with the Donetsk City Council for the scientific work No. 08-198 " Automation of energy consumption metering of public sector objects ", and scientific work No. 09-275 "Development of an automated energy consumption metering system" . An automated system consists of hardware and software. The composition of the measuring post includes: analogue air temperature sensors; heat meters; controller with integrated analog-to-digital converter; industrial minicomputer; ADSL modem. The system was installed in school number 66 of the Kuibyshev district of the city of Donetsk.  Temperature sensors LM335 (in box with a wireless controller). Software of an industrial minicomputer in the mode of receiving data from room temperature sensors Microcontroller, industrial minicomputer and switch Heat meter Wat...