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Showing posts from 2015


This program are create to find peaks and find a frequency of peaks in Hz. The virtual instrument was developed in LabVIEW. It allows:  Visualizing the recorded signal  Filting the signal from external noise Strengthening the signal Calculation of the duration between the first tones and the one tone duration. You can turn on Advanced mode with fine tuning of low pass filter and numbers of peaks. You can download it and use it for free.

Automation of shooting a physical stationary object

The photo-shooting system for the electronic museum's  materials was automated by Moskalyuk Taras - a student of the Computer Science and Technology Faculty, under the my guidance. Automation is performed using the Lego NXT technology, which significantly approximates the end of work and improves the quality of the footage. The new shooting technology allows to expand the possibilities of creating three-dimensional images, up to 180 images per model, without complicating the process of shooting and processing raw materials. Science article was written .

Improving the skills of DonNTU employees in the field of LabVIEW

The Department of Computer Monitoring Systems of Donetsk National Technical University conducts the course “Automation of Scientific Experiment and Device's Modeling with the help of LABVIEW” for teachers. The courses will open topics such as: - the basics of LabVIEW, - algorithmization in LabVIEW, - NI Vision module for machine vision, - work with the laboratory station measuring devices NI ELVIS, - work with analog-to-digital converter (ADC) NI USB-6008, - work with compactRIO FPGA controller, - work with the Lego Mindstorms NXT robot, - data collection using Arduino. Lecturer - Anton Kharitonov, certified developer. Start: 9.11.2015.

Automation of municipal property accounting in Donetsk

The basis for the development of the software product "Automation of municipal property accounting in Donetsk " is an order of the Donetsk City Council. This product allowed the efficient use of staff time and increased productivity. The purpose of the development is the creation of an automated accounting system for municipal property in Donetsk.  Tasks that are solved when performing this work: - analysis of existing information regarding the accounting of municipal property; - development of database structures for municipal property records; - the creation of software that allows you to work with databases of communal property and provide information in accordance with existing requests. The developed software allows you to enter information for all the subjects of communal property in real time, using authentication with a high degree of protection, including the name of the subject and password. Each subject of municipal property can enter only that...