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Showing posts from 2013

Creating a three-dimensional model of the central part of Donetsk

As part of the course "Geoinformatics" for students of the specialty "Programming and Computer Design" I have developed and introduced into the educational process course on the topic "Building a geographic information design space within the media support EURO 2012" This project involves the creation by each student of 10 buildings in the central part of Donetsk, mainly centered around the stadium, fan-zones and the central highway. Students should develop and lay out the resulting buildings in the open access layer of 3D buildings, sign and provide a brief summary on each building. It is expected that among the army of foreign fans there will be many who want to get acquainted with the map of the city center in advance. A three-dimensional map can be viewed on Google Maps with the "Earth" layer turned on (an additional plug-in will be required), or through the Google Earth program with the 3D building layer turned on. At the end of the ...

Working meeting on the submission and implementation of an automated accounting system for municipal property in Donetsk

05/31/2013 at 11.00 a working meeting will be held in the auditorium №301 of the Donetsk City Executive Committee on the presentation and implementation of an automated accounting system for municipal property in Donetsk. On the agenda: - a presentation of the system - reports from management and system developers. At the meeting will be distributed discs with video lessons and user manual. Heads of specialized departments are invited. Speakers: Natalya Stadnik - Head Communal Resources Department, Donetsk City Executive Committee Gennady Averin  doctor of Technical Sciences, professor - work manager Anton Kharitonov, senior lecturer - executive in charge of the work